Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) in Houston, TX

Conveniently located to serve Houston & Sugar Land

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, is the perfect solution for improving upper arm contours when flaps of sagging skin create a “bat wing” appearance that no amount of dieting or exercise will correct. Whether excess arm skin is the result of significant weight loss or skin laxity caused by aging, an arm lift in Houston can help you get slimmer, shapelier upper arms that look youthful and trim.


The Arm Lift Procedure

If you and Dr. Norris decide that an arm lift is the best procedure to help you achieve your cosmetic goals, he will provide you with pre-operative instructions to prepare you for surgery that include restrictions on taking certain medications, using tobacco products and consuming alcohol in the weeks leading up to your arm lift in Houston.

General anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation is used during the arm lift procedure, and incisions are placed along the length of the inner side of each upper arm. Excess skin is removed and liposuction is typically performed as well to further improve arm contours by removing excess fat deposits.

Incisions are sutured closed, bandages or dressings are applied and a compression garment is fitted over the upper arms to minimize swelling. Drains may also be used to reduce fluid collection in the upper arms.


Recovering From an Arm Lift in Houston

As part of your preparation for recovery, arrange a ride to and from the doctor’s office, apply for leave from work, and book childcare services. It also helps to eat lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables to hasten your recovery.

Swelling, bruising and discomfort are normal after any surgical procedure, and arm lift patients will be given medication and post-operative instructions to minimize these temporary side effects. Although light activity should be resumed as soon as possible after an arm lift, it is important to keep the arms elevated for several days following the procedure and avoid lifting or strenuous activity for at least three weeks.

Swelling may take several months to subside completely, and scars will lighten and fade for up to a year after surgery. After about four weeks, most of your healing will be complete, and you will see your sleeker, contoured arms begin to take shape.


Arm Lift FAQs

  • Am I an ideal candidate for arm lift surgery?

    Individuals elect arm lift surgery for a variety of reasons such as significant weight loss or a genetic predisposition towards larger arms. An ideal candidate for arm lift surgery will be both physically and emotionally healthy. Ideal candidates will also possess realistic expectations and a full understanding of the risks and benefits of the procedure.

    It would be best if the individual is not notably overweight, is able to maintain a stable weight, and does not plan on gaining or losing a significant amount of weight in the years to come. An arm lift would be an ideal surgery for a healthy non-smoker.

    Individuals who smoke, are significantly overweight, have a health problem that prevents proper wound healing, or battle with frequent weight changes might not be good candidates for an arm lift.

  • Should I get an arm lift or liposuction of the arms?

    During the consultation process your surgeon will be able to determine which procedure is best for you. The doctor will review your medical history and ask you about your aesthetic goals. He will check your upper arms’ undersides and take photos for your medical records.

    Arm lifts are typically the most successful in patients who possess a significant amount of excess skin, with or without excess fat. Liposuction is ideal for patients who possess some excess fat, but have relatively toned skin on the arms.

  • What are some of the risks associated with arm lift surgery?

    As with any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks associated with an arm lift. Arm lift surgery is considered a safe procedure and complications are rare. Some complications may include infection, bleeding, scarring, swelling of the hands and hematoma.

  • Will arm lift surgery be painful?

    It is realistic to anticipate some postoperative pain during the week following surgery. Pain levels vary greatly among patients. Your surgeon is likely to prescribe medication to alleviate any discomfort you may feel.

  • How much does an arm lift cost?

    The cost of an arm lift surgery may be affected by the anesthesia fee, surgeon’s fee, techniques utilized, and operating room fee. You will find out the price of your arm lift surgery after consulting with the doctor.


Learn More During a Consultation

Prospective patients who want to find out more about an arm lift in Houston or wish to schedule a consultation at Dr. Norris Plastic Surgery should feel free to call us at 713-383-6400 or toll-free at (888) 448-2130.

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