Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia:
Before & After Photos

Surgeries are performed by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Morgan Norris in Houston, Texas
Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia



Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia
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Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia
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Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia
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Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia
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Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia
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Gynecomastia- Liposuction and Excision of the Male Breast Tissue
Two months post-operative results

Individual Results May Vary

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