Women desiring improvement in the appearance of their enlarged and/or sagging breasts may want to consider a breast reduction or breast lift. The goal of these procedures is to enhance the breasts appearance by creating better projection, improved nipple position and enhanced upper body contour.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery, also referred to as reduction mammaplasty, is designed to help patients who have overly large and sagging breasts.Long standing breast enlargement can contribute to a multitude of problems such as back/neck pain, bra strap grooving and skin rashes resulting from excessive moisture beneath the breasts. The patient not only experiences the obvious physical and functional improvements associated with breast reduction but also will see improved body image, self esteem and confidence.

Thanks to the positive impact on certain physical ailments and quality of life, the breast reduction operation may be covered by your insurance company.In this case, it would be considered a reconstructive operation. Most insurance companies will require careful documentation from your plastic surgeon regarding your breast related ailments before approving coverage.It’s best to check the details of your policy and discuss your plans with your insurance company representative.

Breast Lift

A breast lift surgery, also referred to as a mastopexy is a cosmetic operation primarily indicated for treatment of minimally enlarged and/or sagging breasts. The mastopexy is a versatile operation that can be customized to the patient’s personal needs.There are many configurations of the mastopexy which allow it to work either as a stand-alone procedure for a pure lift, or in combination with mild reduction, or even in conjunction with augmentation using breast implants or the patient’s own tissue.Unlike a breast reduction, the mastopexy is a cosmetic procedure that is not covered by insurance. Similar to the breast reduction, however, the mastopexy patient generally experiences improvement in body image, self esteem and confidence.

Choosing the Right Procedure for You

The decision between a breast reduction or a mastopexy is best made in conjunction with your board certified plastic surgeon.A careful review of your medical history and a physical exam will determine your overall candidacy for these operations which are done under general anesthesia.Assessment of your goals and desires combined with a detailed breast measurements will usually clarify any questions regarding your choice of operation.Your surgeon will also discuss the details of your chosen procedure as well as the potential risks and complications. Expected downtime from either operation ranges from 2-4 weeks, depending on the type of work you do.

Please call Norris Plastic Surgery today and make an appointment with Dr. Morgan Norris.After a detailed consultation, you will have a clear understanding of your options so that you and the surgeon can know what’s best for you.