Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Conveniently located to serve Houston & Sugar Land

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Morgan Norris is an aesthetic Renaissance man, expertly performing dozens of procedures in the field of facial cosmetic surgery in Houston. His eye for the finer details and ear for understanding patient goals enable Dr. Norris to administer the following treatments accurately and safely:

Brow Lift

A brow lift corrects sagging eyebrows and smooths forehead creases, offering a solution when Botox® is insufficient, without addressing upper eyelid skin like blepharoplasty.

Cheek Implants

Cheek implants enhance facial contours and provide long-lasting volume restoration, offering a defined cheek projection and facial harmony.

Chin Implants

Chin implants enhance chin projection and facial balance, improving neck and jawline contours and minimizing the appearance of a double chin.

Eye Lift Rejuvenation

Blepharoplasty refreshes the appearance by removing sagging eyelid skin and puffiness, also potentially improving the field of vision.

Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting uses your fat to fill wrinkles and restore volume, offering a natural alternative to fillers like Radiesse and Juvederm.


Facelift surgery provides dramatic rejuvenation, addressing deep wrinkles and sagging skin, with patients often looking 10 years younger.

Jaw Surgery

Cosmetic jaw surgery enhances jawline contours and facial harmony, often combined with chin implants, cheek implants, and facelifts for comprehensive results.


Rhinoplasty refines the nose’s appearance for aesthetic improvements or to correct issues from genetics, trauma, or previous surgeries, with potential medical benefits.

Nostril Rhinoplasty

Nostril rhinoplasty focuses on the nostrils, offering targeted improvements with less downtime than full rhinoplasty procedures.

Your Facial Cosmetic Surgery Consultation

After reading about all of the surgical procedures performed daily by Dr. Norris, it’s understandable for patients to be unsure of which options are right for them! That’s why we ask that you come in for an initial consultation.

A leading authority on these advanced techniques, Dr. Norris has a novel approach. He first involves you by asking important questions about the results you hope to get from your treatment. This is also your opportunity to relay any other details, inquiries, and concerns you may have for him. Additionally, he will review your medical history and examine your symptoms. To be extra thorough, he might order some lab tests or imaging.

If you are a candidate for more than one procedure, Dr. Norris might recommend combining them into one comprehensive facial surgery to save you time and shorten your overall recovery process. For example, a rhinoplasty can often be completed at the same time as a facelift.

Facial Cosmetic Surgery Could Be for You!

With the unique facial cosmetic surgery skills of Dr. Morgan Norris, restorative procedures and powerful results could be just around the corner. If you’re interested in learning more about facial cosmetic surgery in Houston and to see if you would be a good candidate, contact Norris Plastic Surgery today with the form below for more information.

Arrange a Consultation

Embark on your facial cosmetic surgery journey with confidence at Norris Plastic Surgery. Book your consultation today with Dr. Norris to start the path toward the enhanced, natural-looking results you desire.


Who is a good candidate for facial cosmetic surgery?

Good candidates for facial cosmetic surgery are individuals in good general health, with realistic expectations about the outcomes. Suitability for surgery is determined through an aesthetic assessment by Dr. Norris, focusing on the individual’s specific concerns and the feasibility of meeting their aesthetic goals. Candidates should be non-smokers, or willing to quit, as smoking can complicate both the surgery and the healing process.

What is the recovery process like for facial cosmetic surgery?

The recovery process varies depending on the specific procedures performed but generally includes a period of rest followed by a gradual return to normal activities. Initial recovery typically lasts 1-2 weeks, with swelling and bruising diminishing over this time. Postoperative care instructions may include managing discomfort with prescribed medication, attending follow-up appointments, and adhering to specific guidelines for physical activities to ensure optimal healing.

How long do the results of facial cosmetic surgery last?

This will generally depend on the type of procedure along with your individual skin quality, lifestyle, and genetic factors.

While some procedures offer permanent structural changes, such as rhinoplasty and facelifts, others may require revisions or additional procedures over time to maintain results. A healthy lifestyle and skin care regimen can help extend the durability of surgical outcomes.

Can different facial cosmetic surgeries be combined?

Yes, you can combine facial surgeries together! This can provide a more holistic approach to facial rejuvenation. Combined procedures address multiple areas of concern in a single surgical session, potentially reducing overall recovery time and achieving more harmonious results. Your consultation with Dr. Norris will help you decide on combining procedures–as long as it safely matches your goals.

How do I choose the right surgeon for my facial cosmetic surgery?

Selecting the right surgeon is crucial for achieving your desired outcomes. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in facial cosmetic surgery. Credentials should include specialized training and a track record of successful procedures similar to the one you’re considering. It’s also important to review before-and-after photos of previous patients and read reviews to gauge the surgeon’s aesthetic style and patient satisfaction.

What should I expect during the consultation for facial cosmetic surgery?

During the consultation, expect an in-depth discussion about your aesthetic goals, medical history, and any specific concerns. Dr. Norris will conduct a thorough facial assessment, discuss potential outcomes, and recommend a personalized treatment plan. This is also an opportunity to ask questions about the procedure, recovery, and expected results. The consultation aims to ensure that patient expectations align with what can realistically be achieved through surgery.

How does facial cosmetic surgery differ from non-surgical facial treatments?

Facial cosmetic surgery offers permanent or long-lasting structural changes to enhance facial aesthetics. It typically involves incisions, anesthesia, and a recovery period. In contrast, non-surgical treatments, such as injectables, fillers, and laser therapies, are minimally invasive, offering temporary improvements with less downtime. The choice between surgical and non-surgical options depends on the individual’s aesthetic goals, the degree of change desired, and their willingness to undergo surgery.