Cheek Implant & Cheek Augmentation

Conveniently located to serve Houston & Sugar Land

Inadequate facial contours and aged, gaunt cheeks can be defined with cheek implants to give you improved cheek projection and harmony between your facial features. Cheek implants in Houston can be used as an alternative to injectable cheek fillers such as Radiesse when longer-lasting correction or significant volume restoration is needed.


The Procedure for Cheek Implants in Houston, TX

During your consultation for cheek augmentation in Houston, Dr. Norris will talk with you about your cosmetic goals and determine which silicone or porous cheek implant is right for you. You will also be given pre-operative instructions to help you prepare for the procedure. On the day of surgery, you will be placed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation for about 2-3 hours while your cheek implant procedure is performed.

Cheek augmentation surgery can be performed on its own or in combination with other procedures such as a facelift or rhinoplasty. Some patients choose to pair it with jaw enhancement surgery or chin augmentation to more comprehensively improve their facial profile.

For cheek augmentation, Dr. Norris will place incisions either inside your mouth near your upper lip or on the inside of each lower eyelid in order to form a pocket for your cheek implants. Implants are either anchored to tissue structures using sutures or they are left unsutured to allow surrounding scar tissue growth to keep them in place.


Recovering From Cheek Implant Surgery

It is important as you recover from cheek augmentation that you keep your incisions clean and dry, especially if the wounds are in your mouth. Some bruising, swelling and discomfort is to be expected in the days and weeks following cheek implant surgery, however using cold compresses, taking pain medication as directed and sleeping with your head elevated can help minimize these temporary side effects.

Tape or head wrapping that must be worn at night may be needed to help your face heal around your cheek implants correctly. Dr. Norris will advise you on this and other post-operative instructions necessary to ensure you achieve the best possible cheek implant results.

Most patients need about 1-2 weeks off work after cheek implant surgery. Dr. Norris will see you for your first follow-up appointment within about two weeks and remove any non-dissolvable sutures used during surgery at that time. Your new and improved facial contours will begin to take shape within 6-8 weeks of the procedure and residual swelling will gradually continue to subside over several months.


The Cost of Cheek Implants

The price of cheek implant surgery is determined based on the details of the patient’s case. These details can include the techniques utilized, anesthesia fees, and the cost of the implants.


  • Am I a good candidate for cheek augmentation?

    Ideal candidates for cheek implants will possess good overall health. As with all plastic surgery procedures, it is important that you have realistic expectations prior to surgery. For younger patients, cheek implants are often sought out to boost the appearance of cheek bones. For older patients, cheek implants are often utilized to create a rounder, more youthful appearance.

    If you are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, or herbal supplements, these must be discussed with Dr. Norris. He may require you to stop taking them before the surgery in order to prevent complications.

    You may not be an ideal candidate for cheek implant surgery if you have sinus problems, an eye disease, or dental problems in the upper jaw. If you are planning on getting crowns or a root canal, Dr. Norris might recommend getting these done first before getting cheek implants.

    Smokers are not ideal candidates for cheek implants. This is because smoking can result in surgical and post-surgical complications. If you are a smoker and want to undergo this procedure, you will need to quit smoking several weeks before the date of the surgery.

  • Where will the incisions for cheek implants be located?
    In most cases, incisions will be made on the inside of the mouth and the inside of each lower eyelid. As a result, there will be no visible scarring in the facial region following surgery.
  • What is the recovery process like after cheek augmentation?
    Most swelling will begin to dissipate within several days following surgery. Full healing may take up to eight weeks for some patients. During the recovery process, you may experience discomfort and swelling that will hinder facial movements such as talking or smiling. Any significant pain can be managed through prescribed pain medication from your surgeon.
  • How long before I can return to normal activities following cheek augmentation?
    The healing process may take several weeks, but most patients are able to return to normal activities, including work, within two weeks following their procedure. Vigorous exercise or other physical activities that have the potential to shake or bump the face should be avoided for several weeks.
  • Are there any significant risks associated with cheek implant surgery?
    As with all surgical procedures, there are inherent risks associated with cheek augmentation. For this reason, it is important for you to discuss these risks with Dr. Norris. Complications with cheek augmentation surgery can include adverse reactions to anesthesia, infection, implant shifting, and capsular contracture.


Contact Us to Find Out More

Prospective patients who want to find out more about cheek implants in Houston or wish to schedule a consultation at Dr. Norris Plastic Surgery should feel free to call us at 713-383-6400 or toll-free at (888) 448-2130.

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